Monday, April 8, 2013

Brewery Ommegang: Photo Journal

Brewery Ommegang:  656 County Highway 33, Cooperstown, NY 13326

The entrance to the most wonderful place on Earth
The view from the inside out

The visitor center/cafe
Inside the visitor center
The selection of Ommegang-ware
Selection of Ommegang brews
Inside Cafe Ommegang
Course one: Fresh Chevre, Beekman farms Blaak, Duck confit with Ommegang Hennepin (left) and Liefmans Cuvee Brut (right)
Tomato and Basil crepe

Smoked gouda and cheddar soup

Three Philosophers ice cream

Next, on to the tasting room

The taps to be sampled today (left to right): Witte, Belgian Pale Ale, Hennepin, Rare Vos, Abbey Ale, Three Philosophers

Three Philosophers sitting pretty

A brief intermission for a man wearing a lampshade
Now on to the real brewing:
Eyes safe, ready for the tour

Entrance to the brewhouse (hence the sign)

Staircase up to the mill room/station.  Grain put in to that blue box is crushed and sent up the tube to the mash tun

The mash tun (right) the lauter tun (left) and the brew kettle (back, center)
The primary fermentation room with 103 bbl fermenters (that's about 3200 gallons folks)
Step 1 of bottling: clean and sanitize

Steps 2-4: Fill, seal and package

Step 5: Aging and conditioning

So much beer so little time

Spent grain is sent to this silo where it is transported to local farmers as cattle feed
Unfortunately, this was the end of our stay
Brewery Ommegang, founded 1997, is my favorite brewery, so this was more of a pilgrimage than a vacation.  The majority share of Ommegang was purchased by Duvel in 2004 and has become the base of Duvel operations in the United States, though that hasn't affected the brewing at Ommegang.  Their line of beers are traditional Belgian ales, and I always enjoy them because of their simplicity.  Never brewed with anything seriously out of "left field" these ales are simple, flavorful, balanced and exhibit the usual Belgian complexity in aroma and flavor.  The tour was great, and the food/drink was fit for a king.  I left with my fair share of Ommegang gear.  I can't recommend this place enough, and if you get an opportunity it's definitely worth a trip.

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