Today I tried Allagash Interlude, courtesy of Ang and Bogdan. It was fermented using two different types of yeast, was aged in red wine barrels, and is described as containing pear, apricot, and graham cracker flavors. I did not notice any graham cracker, but could detect the fruit. Honestly I mostly tasted the wine- definitely could pick up the dry red Sirah and Merlot that are described. The color was reddish, and it was not super-foamy. It paired deliciously with the shepherd's pie I had for dinner. It went especially well with the beef/tomato flavor. I would recommend it with food. At 9.5%, one glass'll do ya if you're like me. My hands are tingly and my head feels like I'm in a sauna. I also polled my drinking partners. Here is what they had to say:
Ang: Fucking great. pears and brettan-shit. sweet&sour. Smell: sweet yet tart.
Bogdan: Fucking awesome. Lot of brett-funk balanced with red wine.
After Allagash Interlude, I tried Duck Rabbit Milk Stout. This beer is exceptionally dark. It is creamy at the end, with some coffee and chocolate flavors. I like that it isn't very bitter, and is mostly smooth. A little acidic and tangy at the finish. I enjoyed it. It's good on its own. Probably not my favorite milk stout ever, but definitely decent.
Ang: It's all right. Tastes like a campfire-very roasty. Mild carbonation and minimal lacing which is not traditional of a milk stout.
Bogdan: Too much roast character for a milk stout, without the lactose character to balance it out.
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