The Brewers:
Company: Mercury Brewing Co., Clown Shoes
Location: 23 Hayward St., Ipswich, Massachusettes
The Beer:
Style: Porter
ABV: 7%
Brewed with: Brown sugar, roasted pecans
Served: 22oz. bomber (unknown purchase location)
The Drink:
Drank out of 16oz. Special edition (then they can charge an extra $3) Duvel tulip glass
Pours dark brown, deep copper when held to light. Thin head that dissipated quickly, leaving little lace
Chocolate/roasted malt, sweet brown sugar and very subtle nuttiness. Some very mild booziness, but not overwhelming. Nuttiness on the nose grew as time went on.
Starts malty sweet with a moderate-low carbonation. Middle is full-bodied, chocolate and sweet with a touch of dryness. Finish lingers with a bit more dryness, especially on the tongue, and a long-lasting roasted malt flavor with just a hint of sugar sweetness and toasted malt.
This really was an excellent porter, but I can't for the life of me get the pecans. I picked this up noticing it was called a "Pecan Pie Porter" with an image of a straight out of the oven pecan pie, but it just didn't come through with that flavor profile. Maybe if you have a really sensitive palate you'd have more luck with this beer than I did, but I'd definitely recommend it. Very drinkable, full-bodied flavor and a good sweet-porter malt backbone make this a pretty safe bet for almost anyone.
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